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Benha National University Hosted Meeting of the Higher Committee for Continuous Professional Development in Veterinary Medicine

The Higher Committee for Continuous Professional Development in Veterinary Medicine at the Egyptian Health Council held its meeting at Benha National University. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Hussein El-Maghraby, Chair of the Committee and Vice President of Benha National University for Academic Affairs, and attended by:

  • Fikry Hussein, Secretary of the Veterinary Studies Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities,
  • Maha El-Ashmawy, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Mansoura University, and
  • Colonel Veterinarian Sayed Afifi.

Meeting Highlights:

  • Welcome and Introduction:

Prof. Hussein El-Maghraby welcomed the attendees and initiated discussions on the criteria and conditions required for institutional accreditation for institutions and centers seeking accreditation from the Egyptian Health Council to provide accredited training programs.

  • Key Criteria Discussed:
    • Governance
    • Effectiveness of training and education processes
    • Data and information management
  • Training Plan:

The necessity of presenting a semi-annual training plan was emphasized, along with the availability of a specialized unit equipped to manage training programs at the institution applying for accreditation.

  • Training for Trainers:

The importance of organizing Training of Trainers (TOT) courses in this field was highlighted.

At the end of the meeting, the committee conducted a tour of Benha National University.