Welcome to the official website of Benha national University,
As history is the origin of the present we live in today, and we are currently at a moment of pride in the history of Benha University, which dates back more than a hundred years to the establishment of its first college in 1911.
The issuance of this important decree by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi signifies a historic event in the journey of Benha University, an event that all university affiliates will cherish and take pride in over the coming years, after everyone contributed appreciable efforts towards establishing Benha National University, which we present with pride and reverence to our beloved country, Egypt.
he establishment of Benha National University is part of the Egyptian state's strategy to establish a number of new private universities emerging from government universities, designed to international standards with the aim of realizing the state's plan to develop the higher education system and provide distinguished educational services that apply the latest global systems.
Benha National University aims to prepare a new generation of graduates who have the ability to compete in the local, regional, and international job markets, equipping them for the jobs of the future. The university's goal is not profit-driven but to provide high-quality and distinctive educational services that align with smart universities and fourth-generation universities, preparing its graduates for future jobs.
We at Benha National University, we offer academic programs that align with the labor market and the demands of the modern era.
We are delighted to welcome our students, to witness the beginning of harvesting this pioneering experience aimed at creating a new generation of self-respecting graduates at Benha National University, proud of their heritage and with the ability and competence to serve our beloved country, Egypt, in all fields.
In conclusion, I extend my sincere wishes to all my students for success and prosperity.
God save Egypt, its leadership, and its people.
Prof. Tamer Samir
President of Benha National University