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Postponement of the Informational Seminar for Students Interested in Training at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

The International Relations Sector announced the postponement of the informational seminar about training at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

New Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, instead of Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Time: 10 AM
Location: Benha National University - Building M - University Theater

This is for students registered for the informational seminar and interested in joining the international training program at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China from mid-July to August 1, 2025.

 Under the auspices of:
Prof. Tamer Samir - President of Benha National University
Prof. Karim El-Dash - Vice President for International Relations

The seminar aims to introduce students from the Faculty of Medicine and Physical Therapy to the training program, application requirements, and travel procedures.

Important Note: A guardian may accompany students to the seminar.

We are honored by your attendance